Psychic Readings: how much should be expected of them?

“I want to know about my future partner: what does he look like, what does he do for a living, what is his personality, what is his family like, is he of the same culture/religion as myself? And when and how will I meet him, and will it be a long-term relationship?”

Yes, some people do expect all of the above information to be provided in a consultation. There may well be readers or consultants out there who can honestly and accurately predict all of those details – in which case, I would say definitely go to them for all of your intuitive needs. After all, why wouldn’t you?

However, are we to believe that there is only one pathway ahead of each of us, that can be outlined and guaranteed, meaning that all we have to do is sit and wait for it all to fall neatly into place? And if that was true, what if the one-and-only pathway allocated to us was disastrous and filled with heartache? How open to hearing about that would we be? Not very, I imagine. And what makes us believe that we deserve to be privy to this degree of detail? We’re supposed to create and develop our lives as we move along – we’re supposed to live, learn, and evolve. Intuition is gifted to the human race as a tool, one that provides a sneak preview into some aspects of the future, and a means of gaining insight into ourselves and others. There is always more than one potential pathway ahead of us at any given moment in time, and we are constantly readjusting our future through the beliefs we hold, the attitude we adopt, the decisions we make (or don’t make), and the actions we take (or don’t take). And also, by the way in which we respond to those things we have no control over – the curve balls that life is bound to throw our way.

Nevertheless, having a framework of predictions and insight can be incredibly helpful. Having, as I said, the luxury of a sneak preview into some of what we can expect ahead is indeed a very useful tool. We aren’t supposed to be able to map our life out, inch by inch. Or have a list of instructions to follow, in order to guarantee that everything will work out exactly the way we want it to. Experience has taught me that when a person demands this kind of detail, they are:

a) operating from a place of emotional fear and impatience

b) likely to pin everything on it, looking out for it and trying to make it fit

c) often posing the same questions to other readers and comparing notes

d) highly likely to overly focus on their love life, making it the centre of their personal universe

It is clear to me that intuitive work is increasingly heading in this direction, where more and more is being demanded. Let’s face it, anyone, anywhere, can have a reading, twenty-four hours a day The online market is huge and if we don’t hear what we want from this person then we can go to that person. Eventually, it is likely that we will hear what we want to – and when we do, we will automatically deem that reader to be more accurate than those who didn’t tell us what we wanted to hear. Having said that, there is a notable difference between fortune-telling and intuitive consultancy – all things ‘psychic’ are not equal.

But, you might ask, why is it not possible to accurately answer all of those questions? Because, at any point along the way, the enquirer can choose to follow a pathway that leads them away from that which is potentially possible. For example, they may decide to hang onto a relationship that is awash with difficulties, for any number of reasons. Or, they may need to listen to and act upon the insight offered in an intuitive consultation – insight that would help them to be in a better position to align with the kind of future they really want – but fail to do so. They may simply not be able to understand how life actually works, becoming frustrated and angry with psychics for not being able to see every detail of the soulmate they are craving – blaming the reader for not being good enough. Of course we can ask for predictions connected to our love life – or any other aspect of our life. That’s the purpose of the service (which should, in my opinion, always also include insight and food for thought). But, we shouldn’t be too involved with the need for absolutes – especially the kind of absolutes that make up our idea of perfection. This kind of approach will always lead to ultimate disappointment and it puts the reader under pressure – and encourages the less-than-ethical to simply make stuff up. And who wants to be on the receiving end of that?

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Intuitive consultant, offering predictions with insight and food for thought. Relationship advisor, blogger, and self-published author. With a black belt in kickboxing!

5 thoughts on “Psychic Readings: how much should be expected of them?

  1. leanne I’ve read daniel beyond death and really enjoyed it. I have to say tho I’m genuinely baffled.

    in your videos and blogs you say you believe in law of attraction and creating your own evolution but in daniel beyond death the story was exactly the opposite of what you say you believe happens when we pass on. you always say you dont believe in a cosmic council estate over there and that we arent around our loved ones when we die but in daniel beyond death in the very first part of the book you say that the grand parent said it was destined that daniel would die young. yes I know it’s a book and a story but you say you write the story based on your experiences and what you’ve witnessed happens when you die and I know you are very against destiny. also in the book the moment he dies and the first chapter at least is about daniel meeting the taxi driver guy and his grand parents and how they come to greet him and he is around his loved ones but in your blogs and videos you say you’re against all of this and it’s commonly spouted out by mediums and a common belief. I’m a bit confused on what you REALLY believe in as it does seem very contradictory.

    to add in regards to law of attraction I really am against it personally. last year I got addicted to psychics and mediums for the first time about an ex partner and had readings with readers who believed in this stuff and they gave me affirmations and tasks to do to get him back to me. Some of them sounded really bizarre and wtf crazy. I did this and tried getting in to loa and the ex never did come back. I’m sure in your line of work you’ve heard this from other customers too. I do believe that for your own wellbeing yes you should be positive and accept lifes knock backs. if I lost my job I should stay positive and job hunt and know in my mind that the right job will come at the right time and not lose motivation or give up and sink in to a deep episode. that’s a law of attraction I agree with. but I don’t agree that people make their own lives. children that get abused don’t deserve abuse and didn’t get abused from law of attraction. people that get murdered didn’t get murdered cos of being too negative in life and earning to get murdered cos the law of attraction said they need to get murdered. a lot of what you say is pure common sense mixed in with psychology. a boy grows up in an abusive household and somewhere else a girl is too. they meet as adults and their relationship is toxic and abusive. that happens cos they’re so conditioned and used to abuse from their childhood that it’s normal and what they think they deserve. there’s no law of attraction and universe plotting it at hand about it. when you see homeless in the street in groups together they’re together and become close cos they’re in a same situation and of course are going to gravitate towards each other as it’s familiarity just like rich people with flashy cars and a nice mansion wouldn’t usually hang around with homeless people as they just don’t connect and have completely different cultures environments and experiences of life. people who have a poor childhood tend to grow up off the rails. law of attraction didn’t cause that to happen. you can say well they have the chance to turn their life around but some people are so far gone or have become mentally unwell and aren’t capable to think straight and normal like you and I. a child who grew up in a good home usually does become successful and have healthy relationships and a positive outlook on life. I know people who are happy positive people and they’ve had the most awful luck and things happen to them and I know others who are nasty pieces of work and get away with murder and live a life (sometimes!) of happiness. anyway please don’t take this as bashing you Leanne as I do like you as a reader. you’re very no nonsense and take no prisoners and I respect that but you always said we could voice our opinions and we won’t all agree with everything always or life would be boring.


    1. Hi, thank you for your comment. You are right, Daniel is an entertaining work of fiction – but some of my beliefs/interpretations have been woven through it. And the character Daniel met wasn’t a taxi driver, he was just a young man! I do not adhere to the common understanding of the law of attraction and have never said that I do. I presume that you haven’t read my blog post The Spiritual Lie? And I have long been outspoken about the dark underbelly of the so-called psychic world (see my blog posts!) – and have never, ever advocated that customers should use the law of attraction in order to try and get an ex back… because that is ridiculous and wouldn’t work!! My book, How To Break Those Disempowering Dating Habits, is hard to sell – but there is a book available on Amazon entitled something like, How To Get Your Ex Back In 21 Days – and it appears to be very popular – which tells you a lot. I have written a blog post on the subject of exes, which does not include any advice whatsoever on the subject of the law of attraction. I do believe that we are shaping and forming our lives through the choices we make and the actions we take or don’t take – but that we are not all operating on a level playing field (as explained in my blog post, The Spiritual Lie That Makes You Believe You Are Responsible Everything). Life is made up of chaos and order and is often unpredictable, and we can only do the very best we are capable of. You are entitled to your opinion, and I thank you for sharing it; however, you are somewhat misrepresenting me and putting words in my mouth!


  2. Doing work for others can sure be a challenge at times; I can certainly sympathise with a lot of this. A compromise with how you want to operate and how other expect/want you to.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You use your gift to genuinely help people. You are never going to be able to please everyone. I’ve only received readings that were sugarcoating and I would much rather receive the truth even if it’s something I don’t want to hear. I love that you offer not only insight and details about what is coming, but also subjective advice on how to navigate it. Thank you. 😊


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